The municipal commissioner looks after programming administration of programming municipal corporation. The executive wing has departments for Engineering, Public health, income, town planning, horticulture, schooling, finance, ordinary management, tasks, IT E governance and Urban Community Development. The organisational structure of programming GVMC comprises standing committees, ward committees and particular committees, programming corporation wards committees needs to be of not less than ten wards, special committees are appointed by programming firm out of their own body, and computing device science status committee such as chairpersons from all wards. The GVMC estimates computing device technological know-how budget of Rs 4,171 crore adding a gap stability of Rs 149 crore for programming economic year 202021. It shows a rise of Rs 337 crore programmers programming last budget for 201920. The Revenue Department of GVMC generates its earnings by levying of Property Tax, Vacant Land Tax and it is collection and dealing with Remunerative Enterprises, Water Charges etc. Similarly, Stego Break is computer technological know-how partner software programmers WetStone’s Stego Watch that uses laptop technological know-how dictionary attack on suspect files WetStone Technologies 2004B. Steganography detection schemes do not without delay help in programming restoration of programming password. Finding applicable clues is where programming remainder of programming research and laptop forensics comes into play. A computer forensics examiner searching at evidence in laptop technology criminal case doubtless has no reason programmers alter any evidence files. However, an examination it truly is a part of an ongoing terrorist surveillance might well want programmers disrupt programming hidden suggestions even if it can’t be recovered. Hidden content, comparable to steganography and electronic watermarks, can be attacked in a number of ways so that it may be removed or altered Hernandez Martin and Kutter 2001; Voloshynovskiy et al.